Collection: Manager Programs

3 products

  • Lead Your Sales Team | Manager 6-Pack

    Role: Team Lead, Manager 5.0

    Expected results:

    1. More consistent team coaching
    2. Increased individual sales call quality and quota attainment
    3. Coaching up (or out) the lower performers
    4. Increased team engagement and retention
  • Build Your Sales Team | Manager 6-Pack

    Role: Team Lead, Manager 4.9

    Expected results:

    1. Higher percent of team to quota
    2. Higher overall quota attainment
    3. Cleaner pipeline & better forecasting
    4. Improved new hire retention
  • Own Your Sales Manager Role | Manager 6-Pack

    Role: Team Lead, Manager 5.0

    Expected results:

    1. Work fewer hours and get better results!
    2. Shorten the line at your desk (or queue in your chat)
    3. Drastically fewer fires to put out
    4. Improved organization and time management skills